How to Create Mood Board in Word Fashion

How to Create a Personal Style Mood Lath 300 257 LeAnn Conway

How to Create a Personal Style Mood Board

In today's post, I'one thousand going to walk you through the steps needed to create a personal style mood board. One that is tangible, and goes beyond Pinterest. Aught against Pinterest, I employ it daily and LOVE it. Your mood board is going to be one y'all can hang upward, add images to, and it's your own realistic inspiration that y'all tin can utilize to incorporate and inspire your own wardrobe.

I'm suggesting you pull upwardly your sleeves and take some fourth dimension for yourself. If yous are feeling uninspired by your wardrobe, want a new look, or are looking to amend your epitome, check out my post on How to Detect Your Signature Mode . Then get started with my tips on how to create a personal style mood board.



Before you lot start, get together your materials or make a listing of the items you need to buy for your mood board. When you are considering magazines branch out past manner and beauty and look at interior blueprint, art, and photography for color, texture, lines, etc.

  • Magazines
  • Gum/Double stick tape
  • Scissors
  • Textile samples
  • Paint samples
  • Computer and printer
  • Cork board / poster board


MAGAZINES: As you look through your magazines, cut out images that you are drawn to in some mode in regard to your mode. Be realistic whether you would wear them. Think about colors, patterns, textures, accessories, jewelry, i particular in an outfit, and entire outfits. Move on to not-mode/way magazines and clip out images that inspire you.

ONLINE INSPIRATION: If you already have a "My Style" or "Manner Inspiration" board on Pinterest, go to that board first. Wait at your pins and print out the items that you would realistically wear. For more than inspiration, check out my Pinterest boards by clicking here.

OTHER VISUAL STIMULATION: Fabric, ribbon, wallpaper sample, paint card, bloom petals, and any other materials that create and stimulate inspiration.


Take a look at all of your clippings and see if there are any clear patterns. Summarize the characteristics that testify up in multiple finds: color themes, textures, patterns, and styles.

  • Are in that location any colour themes?
  • Do you like monochromatic, multi-colored, neutral, assuming colored outfits or a combination?
  • What about patterns – exercise you love them, loathe them, or similar them in small doses?
  • If you like prints/patterns – which i(s) are present?
  • Are textures nowadays?
  • If and so, are the textures located in your clothes, accessories, shoes, or a combination?
  • What styles take emerged?
  • What words come to mind when you view the images?
  • Has anything surprised yous?

Footstep four: EDIT

Get through your clippings once more and be ruthless. Your images should spark joy and excitement. They also should be realistic. Consider your lifestyle. Your wardrobe should reverberate how you spend your time. One major cause for wardrobe issues is that there is a mismatch betwixt your lifestyle and the actual contents of your cupboard. If you question the image, set information technology gratis to the garbage.

Stride 5: ORGANIZE & Accommodate

Organize your clippings into color groupings, piece of work looks from not-work looks, patterns, etc. Whatsoever makes sense and so you can run across your themes and it visually makes sense to y'all. Have fun arranging them on your corkboard or poster board. The end result is a lath that represents yous, your personal way, and the image you desire to portray. Congrats on creating your ain personal style mood lath!


Head to your cupboard with your style mood lath and take some time to evaluate the contents vs. the images you see.

  • What words would y'all describe the images on your board?
  • What words draw the contents of your closet?
  • Is there a disconnect between the two?

Have some fourth dimension to reinterpret some of the looks you have added to your lath. Instead of heading out to shop, "store your closet" and put together caput to toe looks. Attempt them on and come across how y'all feel. Assess if this matches the style and image you are looking to achieve. If you lot are missing key pieces to achieve your new await, exist as specific every bit possible with your shopping list.

I'd recommend doing a style mood board for each season or group them – bound/summer and fall/winter. And, if you are looking to dig deeper with developing your signature mode, I wrote a mail service on How to Find Your Signature Mode.

Get your free 9-page checklist and worksheet by clicking on the box beneath.

Have you lot always created a personal style mood board? Comment below!

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